von Annie Aries | Dez. 14, 2023
Aries Zaes – Dust (2023) Published 2023 PreferMusicMarcel Zaes, Annie Aries Silica, ashes, PM2.5, flour, carbon, titanium, lens; green sweep, mist, mask, crumb, cold, laser, listing. Dusts– innocuous, potent, dangerous and foundational, easily combined. These smallest...
von stefan | Juli 14, 2021
Annie Aries – It’s Not Quiet In The Void (2023) Photo ICMC, Shenzhen 2023 Annie Aries dedicates her music to delicate sound textures and noises that address the transition into a new acoustic moment. Annie produces music with her instrument, a...
von stefan | Juli 14, 2021
Metric Displacement InstallationBern, Providence, PortlandAnnie Aries, Brian House, Marcel Zaes2021 Three electronic musicians, quarantined in different cities across the globe, each records a series of short rhythmic loops. Each loop is subsequently cut into a lock...
von stefan | Juli 14, 2021
Transition Transition examines the ambivalent effect of a transition into an ephemeral state. This fragile process remains fluent and seeks a balance between change and recurrence. The generative development of the composition is in the foreground. It is not only...
von stefan | Juli 14, 2021
Aries Zaes – Debris Published 2020 PreferMusicMarcel Zaes, Annie Rüfenacht Video: schmiderei.com Mimi Kind on Debris:“Aries and Zaes mill sound components precisely, into warm wholesome synth forms. They can twist themselves into their own threads. Still, human...